Photo Organizer

  • Status Assigned
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Backend / Core
  • Assigned To
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Low
  • Priority Very Low
  • Reported Version Devel
  • Due in Version 2.36
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by pizza - 2006-08-17
Last edited by pizza - 2008-01-06

FS#89 - allow advanced search on any database field

RE-do the advanced search so it's more useful -- allow any field to be searched, not just title, caption, etc etc... then build the query on the fly. This is going to be complicated, but necessary...

pizza commented on 2006-10-05 04:07

#104 is requiring changes in how we handle searches, and this is a good time to rework it all.

pizza commented on 2007-07-24 12:34

We also want dates to be searched too.

pizza commented on 2007-11-02 00:44

Dates can now be searched!

pizza commented on 2008-01-06 14:49

#315 was linked -- basically reqesting the profile fields be among those searchable.

What I'd like to see is a set of rows:

field_1 operator_1 data_box_1 comb_1
field_2 operator_2 data_box_2 comb_2

Valid 'operators' are determined by the 'field':
numeric fields can be >,>=,=,<=,!=, between (requiring two fields)
text fields can be 'exact match', 'like' (substring), and 'regexp', (plus NOT variations of this)
date fields can be > >= = <= != or 'between' (the latter requiring two input fields!)

'between' can be replicated with two rows on th same field, one >= and the other <=, or it can be explicit.

'fields' include:

caption, author, photo_id, version_id, location, geolocation (ie lat/long), camera, film, etc etc etc.. The profile fields should probably be restricted to exact matches only, using a pulldown list of valid choices.

pizza commented on 2008-04-22 22:21

Once this is implemented, I'd like to see an "save this search query" button that will generate a "virtual" album.


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