- Status Assigned
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- Task Type Feature Request
- Category Backend / Core
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pizza - Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Devel
- Due in Version 2.36
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FS#89 - allow advanced search on any database field
RE-do the advanced search so it's more useful -- allow any field to be searched, not just title, caption, etc etc... then build the query on the fly. This is going to be complicated, but necessary...
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#104 is requiring changes in how we handle searches, and this is a good time to rework it all.
We also want dates to be searched too.
Dates can now be searched!
#315 was linked -- basically reqesting the profile fields be among those searchable.
What I'd like to see is a set of rows:
field_1 operator_1 data_box_1 comb_1
field_2 operator_2 data_box_2 comb_2
Valid 'operators' are determined by the 'field':
numeric fields can be >,>=,=,<=,!=, between (requiring two fields)
text fields can be 'exact match', 'like' (substring), and 'regexp', (plus NOT variations of this)
date fields can be > >= = <= != or 'between' (the latter requiring two input fields!)
'between' can be replicated with two rows on th same field, one >= and the other <=, or it can be explicit.
'fields' include:
caption, author, photo_id, version_id, location, geolocation (ie lat/long), camera, film, etc etc etc.. The profile fields should probably be restricted to exact matches only, using a pulldown list of valid choices.
Once this is implemented, I'd like to see an "save this search query" button that will generate a "virtual" album.