- Status Unconfirmed
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- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Backend / Core
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.37
- Due in Version Undecided
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FS#446 - location search always return nothing in Advanced Search
Only location in advanced text is not work, others works fine.
I can't find the meaning of ||| by google. But I change ||| to || in file search.text.advanced.php at line 172
$sql_search_string['location'] = build_sql_search_string($keywords['location'], "(view_location.place||view_location.city||view_location.state||view_location.country)");
and change view_location all columns NULL value (if any) to '' by sql command, then it seems work.
Here is the sql command to change view_location
create view view_location as
select location.identifier, location.place, location.city,
COALESCE ( (select value from state where state.identifier=location.state), '' ) as state,
(select value from country where country.identifier=location.country) as country,
users, last_modified_date,
latitude, longitude, private
from location;
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