- Status Assigned
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Category User Interface
Assigned To
pizza - Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.37
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
FS#442 - UI Enhancements
This will be a placeholder for the various ideas I have for reworking parts or all of PO's UI. Ideas that are fleshed out can be moved into their own tickets for actual implementation.
* AJAX-ish tabs on the photo page
- instead of a separate page reload for each tab, load all tab info at once and let the UI manage paging.
* Client-side sorting of all tabular data
- eg folder/album listings
* Dynamic client-side pagination of the slide view
- "dump" all slides at once, and let client-side manage their pagination?
- Probably can't sort this way though
* Lightbox-esque view of photos
- Intended for guest access, hiding details of photos.
- Slideshow capabilities
- Easy navigation (eg using left/right arrows)
* Replace ad-hoc toolbars with more coherent ones
* Replace hackish button/checkbox theming script with something saner.
* Replace wz_tooltips and js_calendar with better integrated stuff.
* Modal login/password form
- pops up on top of current page
- Can force current page to reload afterwards
- What to do about 401/403 errors?
* Replace all "confirmation" pages with modal dialogs.
I'm leaning towards Query and jQueryUI for actual implementations.
Initial implementation will probably require current themes to be taken out back and shot.
Available keyboard shortcuts
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + l Login Dialog / Logout
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + a Add new task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + m My searches
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + t focus taskid search
- o open selected task
- j move cursor down
- k move cursor up
Task Details
- n Next task
- p Previous task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + e ↵ Enter Edit this task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + w watch task
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + y Close Task
Task Editing
- Alt + ⇧ Shift + s save task
Recently did a bunch of cleanups on the CSS, and replaced the button/checkbox hacks with straight CSS.