- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Backend / Core → Import
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Devel
- Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by geolee - 2010-06-09
Last edited by pizza - 2010-06-17
Opened by geolee - 2010-06-09
Last edited by pizza - 2010-06-17
FS#433 - New location always added even exist
In v2.37rc2 if you leave STATE blank when importing.
I need to comment out line 52 in include/iptc.php to disable redundant STATE check.
line 52 ( and location.state = state.identifier )
Is it logical to set it default? For example, if you took some photos from Bangkok, you will file it with CITY Bangkok, COUNTRY Thailand and leave STATE blank, you even don't know what to fill in STATE as a tourist.
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So it keeps creating location entries with a blank state field?
..can you attach an image that shows this problem so I can figure out exactly what's going wrong?
It wiill create new same location entry with new identifier when you import photo. ( same country, same city, blank state field )
Line 52 require the existing location match the state field of import photo has an entry in TABLE state, otherwise it fails 'existing location check', then it will create a new location entry. But it will always fail the query if state filed is blank since there is not an entry of NULL in TABLE state.
p.s. a sample image is attached.
Okay, it's now fixed. Here's the patch: