- Status Unconfirmed
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- Task Type Feature Request
- Category User Interface
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.36
- Due in Version Undecided
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FS#381 - 'last X photos'
> 'last X photos' could easily be implemented as a wrapper in include/site.php, much like the site_display_random_photos() function already is.
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Solving this generically is simple -- hand the photo display page a list of all images in the "result set" but then the problem is the forward/prev buttons; they need to pass the full set over so the subsequent page can re-use the set.
Another possibility is to abuse memcache some more and store a randomid={x,y,z} key/value pair, using that as an index, but due to the ephemeral nature of memcache, it's not reliable and memcache is optional anyway. So another trick is needed...
If I convert the next/prev buttons into "forms" I can pass additional options in the POST easily.
Or I can use the php session to cache a "full" set of results, and go from there...?