- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Web site
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System Linux
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.36
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
FS#374 - function site_display_random_photos
Using the function site_display_random_photos doesn't work. in addition, all text after calling this function is invisible.
best regards,
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Congratulations on the first bug report. :/
I had a work-in-progress to clean up that function (and some others) but I decided to back it out and release 2.36 without it.
I'll see if I can recreate the problem on this end.
Apparently I accidentally committed that incomplete code into the 2.36 release.
On line 616 of include/site.php, replace site_get_random_photos with site_get_photos
and things should start working again.
You can obtain the patch here: