- Status Closed
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- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Backend / Core
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.35
- Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by marcus - 2008-04-20
Last edited by pizza - 2008-04-21
Opened by marcus - 2008-04-20
Last edited by pizza - 2008-04-21
FS#348 - Photo location
I dont' know if this is a feature or a bug. I try to explain my problem:
My geotagged photos contain the country, the province, the city and the sublocation in the IPTC data. In the location of MyProfile and in the location of photo details the sub-location is not shown. Is this correct?
PS: Many thanks for implementating #337!
Closed by pizza
2008-04-21 12:32
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: r2011 has the fix to the fix.
2008-04-21 12:32
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: r2011 has the fix to the fix.
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That sounds like the IPTC import isn't getting the sublocation properly. Can you send me an image so I can test things out myself?
Yeah, the IPTC code is ignoring the 'Sub-Location' field altogether. Apparently it's been that way all along.
I've attached a patch -- committed in r2010. I can't promise it'll work as I don't have anything to test it against.
All current 'locations' that were created are all missing their sub-location, so you'll need to fix them up and/or re-import the images so the IPTC sub-location gets picked up properly. (Or hack something together that re-parses the IPTC stuff. I've done this sort of thing many times before...)
Let me know how it works. I've updated the demo sites (-stable and -devel) with this fix.
Now it works!
But there's a mistake in common.php. Your stable demo site doesn't run anymore. I think the attached patch could fix it.
It's obvious I didn't test it, yeah. But I must have accidentally committed (and sent off) and older version of the patch instead of what I'd applied to the -devel tree.
Thanks for the fix. :)