- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Web site
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Medium
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.35
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Opened by AJBelayer - 2008-04-07
Last edited by pizza - 2008-04-20
FS#343 - Date time incorrect causing failure to commit to db
I am seeing this issue both on my site running 2.35a and the stable demo site.
Basically with I am in the calendar and click "add" the dates come up in 1969 (note error from logs below) and when I click "add" I get a "Failed to update database".
Error from my apache logs:
[error] [client] PHP Warning: pg_query() [<a href='function.pg-query'>function.pg-query</a>]: Query failed: ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "2008-4-- 0 :0::0:0"\nHINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. in /var/www/pictures.ajserver.com/html/event.php on line 82, referer: https://pictures.ajserver.com/event.php?action=add&year=2008&month=4&day=7
I am new to PO however I believe this is how you add pictures to the system thus making it quite useless. Also please let me know if this could be a misconfiguration somewhere that I am missing. Both my server and client machine have the proper time and are configured for the proper time zone.
My browser is Firefox
2008-04-20 15:27
Reason for closing: Works for me
Additional comments about closing: Given the lack of a "the fix didn't work" I'm considering this closed.
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Okay, this is a legit bug, but it doesn't affect adding photos. That's done from the folder pages, not the calendar (ie datebook).
You can work around this by clicking on the start/end dates shown, then dismissing the popup calendar.
I've already fixed this in the -devel tree, but I'll see about backporting this in the mean time.
Attached is the patch I just committed into SVN. (r 1998)