- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Backend / Core → Import
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Critical
- Priority Low
- Reported Version 2.34-rc4
- Due in Version Undecided
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- Private
FS#290 - Invalid upload path
Php files are in /usr/share/photo-organizer/ directory
In config_site.php i set:
$image_repository_path = "/home/services/photo-organizer/repo/";
And when i try to upload image i get:
# xtracting Image Metadata (EXIF) ... done
# Extracting Image Metadata (XMP) ... done
# Extracting Image Metadata (IPTC) ... done
# Copying original image siamki.jpg into repository ... failed.
cp /tmp/phpEUVYLs /home/services/photo-organizer/repo///usr/share/photo-organizer/v0000/00000/7_3_orig.jpg
# Cleaning up the mess.
it seems that $new_volume="/usr/share/photo-organizer/v0000/" but i dont know why
Closed by pizza
2007-10-18 20:19
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: After no feedback for nearly a month (and a release in the mean time) I'm treating this as fixed.
2007-10-18 20:19
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: After no feedback for nearly a month (and a release in the mean time) I'm treating this as fixed.
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under /home/services/photo-organizer/repo, check the 'current' symlink, and you'll find that it's screwed up. Remove it, and manually create it by hand ('current' -> 'v0000')
There's apparently some versions of PHP always making symlinks absolute -- but it's inconsistent.
This is actually the final bug holding up the 2.34 release.
svn r1684 in svn has a potential fix. The problem is that my installation of PHP doesn't have this problem, so I can't be sure it's working.
Apply the attached patch to a new installation (before running install.php) and things should work for you.