- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Category Backend / Core → Database
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Devel
- Due in Version 2.36
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
FS#245 - Move 'access' and 'original' rights into 'files' table.
This way individual versions and scaled resolutions can be given appropriate rights; If we have the individual files with fine-grained permissions, then we can do away with the 'original' field altogether, and the 'access' field can be inferred from these settings (via a DB stored procedure)
The original can be granted to be 'private' or 'protected', for example, while the watermarked preview is 'public', the non-watermarked preview is 'protected', and the thumbnail is 'public'.
If we have the individual files with fine-grained permissions, then we can do away with the 'original' field altogether.
If the viewer can access the thumbnails, then they can see the image on the browser list. If the viewer can access *any* of the preview images, the thumb links to the best-quality preview image. (ie resolution &| watermarking..). While looking at the preview, if they have access to the original, let them have it.
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To migrate:
Public + Allow_Orig => Public, Public, Public
Public + No_Orig => Public, Public, Private
Protected + Allow_Orig => Protected, Protected, Protected
Protected + No_Orig => Protected, Protected, Private
Private + Allow_Orig => Private, Private, Private
Private + No_Orig => Private, Private, Private
so which file does can_access_photo() hit? Does it return 'y' if any file is allowed? Or perhaps just the thumbnail?
Also, photo.edit and bulk.update need to map appropriately too.