- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Feature Request
- Category Backend / Core
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 2.33
- Due in Version Undecided
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Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by poutnik - 2007-05-07
Last edited by pizza - 2009-08-14
Opened by poutnik - 2007-05-07
Last edited by pizza - 2009-08-14
FS#205 - Per folder volume
I think it would be useful to have the possibility of several active "volumes" (physical storage directories with respective size limits) and assign specific volume to a specific folder. (and have a default one, too)
This way I could separately store (and later backup) pictures from different cameras - in my case separate volume for digital capture and separate for medium format films - and back up them when they fill up.
I think also others might find this feature useful...
Thanks a lot
Closed by pizza
2009-08-14 14:15
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Closing this for reasons already mentioned. A great deal of added complexity for little benefit.
2009-08-14 14:15
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Closing this for reasons already mentioned. A great deal of added complexity for little benefit.
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This isn't the intended usage model for the whole "volume" management thing. It has two main purposes:
* Make backups easier by splitting the repostiory into manageable chunks.
* Make it easier to scale the repository into multiple physical volumes.
There are a few problems in the way of implementing what you are asking for:
* Users of the system shouldn't have any idea how or where their images are physically stored.
* The "per-folder" distinction is arbitrary, and could be drawn almost anywhere. (ie per-user, per-location, per-client.. etc)
* If you have, say, three active volumes that aren't full, you may end up with much more un-backed-up stuff than if you just used one active volume.
* Greatly complicates the volume selection/management code.
That said, none of these are insurmountable. I have plans to add a few feaures to the current volume management model, but
Oh, well, OK then...
As I was saying before I got cut off there, there is a general revamp of the volume management system in the works, and when it happens, I'll see what I can do about incorporating some of your requests.
We're going to need to support some sort of multiple "current" volumes eventually, because of the need to maintain a separation between originals and generated preview/thumbnails, and the fact that once closed (and backed up) a volume needs to be immutable.
The thing that needs to be considered is how to present a "multi volume" capability to users in a way that won't be completely confusing.
Yes -- separation of originals and generated images would be very very nice.
Being able to use offline storage (ie CD/DVD) for the originals while keeping the previews and thumbnails active would be a great space saving addition.
Right now, in each storage 'volume', originals and generated images are stored in separate subdirectories. It would be pretty simple to move the originals somewhere else once a volume is closed, but managing that is really outside the scope of PO. A case could be made for independent volumes for originals vs generated images, but that doesn't change the complexity of moving originals offline.
The main feature I have on my volume management to-do list is support for multiple image repo "roots", so you don't need symlinks to split your image repo across multiple filesystems.