Photo Organizer

  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category User Interface
  • Assigned To No-one
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Low
  • Priority Very Low
  • Reported Version 2.33
  • Due in Version Undecided
  • Due Date Undecided
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  • Private
Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by peter - 2007-02-22

FS#175 - show defined keywords in suplemental category

it would ease handling, if one could see the yet defined keywords: useless creation according to misspelling (landscape versus landscapes) or different words for the same meaning.

pizza commented on 2007-02-22 21:16

I'm not sure what you mean by this -- do you want keywords already associated with an image to appear in its 'supplemental category' field or do you want a list of pre-defined keywords that you can select from to be entered into the 'supplemental category' field?

Can you walk through a sample use case so I can wrap my head around this?

peter commented on 2007-02-23 10:02

Sorry for my spare words !
What I mean:
1. When I look at the 'Details' of an existing foto, then there appears a row 'Keywords' for searching purposes; it contains the keywords for that foto.
2. My proposal: When I add or edit a foto, then there exists a row 'Supplemental Category' and it should contain all the up to now defined keywords (stored in the table 'photo_keywords') in a similar way as for the row 'Keywords'. Then I could define the keywords for that foto by hooking some of the displayed keywords or/and by adding some new one.

peter commented on 2007-02-23 10:51

Sorry another time !
I mixed up the terms 'Keywords' and 'Supplemental Category'; please substitute all occurencies of 'Supplemental Category' by 'Keywords'. Then the proposal still holds.

pizza commented on 2007-02-23 19:29

Okay, I understand now. Unfortunately, your proposal won't scale.. I easily have hundreds of unique keywords, for example.. they simply won't fit on-screen using the same model as the photo details' list of keywords.

That said, your idea is still with merit. If the keyword UI is re-implemented a bit more intelligently, we could easily allow for something like this.


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