Photo Organizer

  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Backend / Core
  • Assigned To
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Low
  • Priority Very Low
  • Reported Version Devel
  • Due in Version 2.34
  • Due Date Undecided
  • Votes
  • Private
Attached to Project: Photo Organizer
Opened by pizza - 2006-09-20
Last edited by pizza - 2007-06-09

FS#101 - Support GPS tags

* Tag each image with basic GPS data (latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, and heading) (add to photo_tech; investigate best format?)
* EXIF GPS import code
* Photo add, bulk update, photo editing UI & Backend support
* XML support for GPS information. (both import and export)

As for formats, I'd rather the database use metric units for altitude and speed, heading in degrees (float), and latiude/long as three floating-point numbers (D:M:S). This complicates the database a tad.

Closed by  pizza
2007-06-09 15:59
Reason for closing:  Implemented
Additional comments about closing:  r1317
pizza commented on 2006-09-21 15:46

We don't need speed or direction (ie "track") of movement.

On the other hand, knowing which direction we're facing is useful.

The GPS Timestamp is highly useful; should we use it instead of the camera's timestamp?

As for latitude/longitude, a single floating-point number will suffice.

latitude, longitude, altitude, img_direction. FiN.

pizza commented on 2006-09-21 18:09

schema updated. photo edit, import, etc updated to include this info.

Todo -- input/output format cooking (eg 90 34' 33" E <==> -90.553112)
XML schema extensions (and import/exprt code)
EXIF code.

pizza commented on 2006-09-21 18:31

XML schema updated, and export/import code also updated.

Next up -- EXIF and format cooking.

pizza commented on 2006-10-10 20:40

Valid formats for entering GPS data:

[+-]DDD.ffff (eg -90.331, or 22.999121)
DDD MM.ffff[NSEW] (eg 129 21.3451 E, or 23 00.211 S)
DDD MM'SS"[NSEW] (eg 129 21'22" E, or 23 00'12" S)

We'll be storing all datapoints in terms of the first (eg -19.22112) but I'd prefer we display them using both that and the user-friendly (19 12'21" W) format.

That, and we still need to properly parse the EXIF data to import this stuff.

pizza commented on 2007-04-26 04:11

EXIF data is now parsed properly.


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